Skrubb it Out

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ah! So thats how anthrax works.....

HowStuffWorks is awesome!!! I mean come on, where else can you learn how a thermonuclear device works and then see a little animated graphic of how death and destruction incarnate happens? Or get little animated flash snippets of what happens to a woman going through PMS.

I have to admit, when I used to teach I would often check out the topic of the day on HSW and see if there was any info I could use to spice up my classroom. The computer section was a great source of graphics and non-uber nerd ways of relating information.

I was recently bored at work and just started going to link after link and learning how different stuff works (like cold fussion and cooking the books). So I guess I find it entertaining as well.

Now if I could just find the one on how dating works....


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