Skrubb it Out

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Celebrating a friend.....

I find it strange how much the weather seems (if not actually is) different up here. I'm 250 miles north of the latitude I'm used to. During the summer I was hoping that the humidity would be drastically less, which it's not. It could be classified as slightly less. During the winter, though, it seems the humidity can be called drastically less.

As a result of low humidity, I've noticed some dry skin areas on my knuckles and elbows. Nothing unsightly, I'm just afraid that if I don't take measures to remedy the situation, then I'll end up like the black knight in Holy Grail and suffer a flesh wound. So, it seems I need to purchase some skin lotion.

Now I despise skin lotion, there's a few people at work that use MASSIVE amounts of skin lotion and it smells like six month old bacon wrapped around a head of cauliflower with two and a half teaspoons of spicy Italian sauted on the salt flats of Utah. It makes me sick. So what's a guy gunna do?

So I took a few minutes (well...ok...hours) this afternoon to ponder this very delima. And low and behold the clouds split open and a sliver of light shone down from the heavens, the angels sang ("The Red" by Chevelle of course), the world was still, peace entered man's heart if only for a brief moment and it came to me.......

It's the Norwegian the hell am I supposed to ignore that kind of sign!! I mean come on! Created by the people who share the honors of happiest place to live on earth as well as the most expensive place to live on earth.......have you ever known a Norwegian to do you any wrong? F'n A, Cotton! F'n A!


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