Skrubb it Out

Monday, May 01, 2006


After sitting in painful silence as BJD constructs another group of finely detailed models, followed by a 4 hour drive home, I somehow decided to not be a utter jerkoff and just be a total jerkoff. Last night I began the construction of the Jolly Roger (by Lindberg).

I'm not so sure about the final rigging, the stupid instructions aren't very clear and I'm not the brightest on "real" ships, but at any rate I started the damn thing. I have no idea the what scale the thing is in and I really don't care that much. I don't plan to keep it for long once I'm done (it only cost me like $6). I am however hoping that it will inspire me to move on to some more interesting things (like 1/700 scale waterline WWII ships).

After one night of watching 2 episodes of Entourage, 1 new Sopranos, and 1 new Big Love, I had all 30 guns painted and assembled, the lower decking was cleaned and the supports were in place, and then the guns put in place. If nothing else, at this stage all those cannons pointed out look pretty impressive.

Tonight I'll gather the upper decking pieces (which are more varied than the lower), get them painted, and hopefully started assembly. Of course, all of this after I go to a couple hobby shops (of which most SUCK THE BIG ONE he in B'ham) and get some bulk acrylic paints (black, white, brown), some larger brushes, and some more stupid freaking glue. Why the hell would you put a viscous material that melts plastic and bonds the melted pieces together inside a PLASTIC FREAKIN container!?!?!? Do you enjoy having the damn bottom fuse shut after two uses!??!?!?! JERKS!


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