Skrubb it Out

Monday, December 03, 2007

Gift baskets online.....

A co-worker and I were talking about gifts for the people we like but don't know real well. The idea for a gift basket seemed to be the consensus on showing that you like the person enough to give them a gift and generic enough to not piss them off by getting something completely stupid. At first we were thinking something along the lines of a sausage and cheese basket, but then a spouse suggested Wine Country Gift Baskets (, which seems to have more treat baskets than meat and cheese (though the gourmet food selection has some interesting items). The recommender has used the site before and gives it her approval so I think I might be making use of it this year.

Of course, as per my luck there are no baskets that are diabetic friendly, so there is nothing I can send to my family. Bah, can't have it all I guess.


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