Skrubb it Out

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Say it!!!! Say it!!!!

I spent 3+ hours running around town last night. Have I mentioned how much I REALLY don't like the hobby stores in this country? So I visited 1 Hobbytown, 2 Michael's, and 2 Hobby Lobby (which isn't very hobby and would make a stupid lobby). I ended up with some basic acrylic paints, a set of new golden nylon brushes, and a 1/700 waterline pair of ships (HMS Hood and a E class Escort).

So back to the Jolly Roger.......touched up the paint on the lower/gun deck, applied the basecoat color to the pieces for the upper deck, gave the hull 2 coats of white below the waterline and 1 coat of black above, and managed to get about half of the upper deck pieces in place. All of this while watching the Last of the Mohicans on HBO (great movie).

Today at work I've pretty much spent my free time researching the sinking of the Bismarck (german battleship), specifically looking for the major ships involved. I found the Prinz Eugen, Prince of Wales, Rodney, and King George V in the 1/700 waterline format (all by Tamiya), but can't freaking find the payoff. What the hell? How you going to make all the other ships and not make the FREAKING BISMARK!!!?!?!?!? What's the point? It would be like making a PBJ sandwich without the stupid sandwich...all you have is the PBJ (which is tasty mind you but hard to eat from a sandwich bag........don't ask).

Looks like there is one plastic kit out there for the Bismarck in the right scale that "says" it can be assembled in either full hull or waterline (by Trumpeter). Looks like Tower Hobbies has it for less than $20 too.....goodie!! I also spent a few bucks on a photo-etch thingie. I've never heard of these (I'm sure BJD and the crew know all about it, but I don't...yet), but supposedly they are supposed to be extras for the model ships that make it look more accurate and bring out the detail.

The photo-etch thing I found was from Gold Metal Models and is for the HMS Hood, King George V, and the Rodney. I'm thinking this might be over kill for me, because I'm not so concerned so much with the physical/historical accuracy of the models and there's a lot of things on this sprue that I don't have a clue about (like which of the radar antennas I'm supposed to use). Anyway, it was only $18 and it goes with 3 of the ships I plan on getting.

So back to the Jolly Roger, tonight I'm hoping to finish out the upper deck pieces and get the gun deck and upper deck glued together. I'd also like to get some brown below the waterline on the hull too.


  • You should try Nord's games in the mall. I think they have tons of figurines, paint, etc.

    By Blogger Daniel, at 6:57 PM  

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