Skrubb it Out

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A reason to be a good motorist....

So not to long ago, I searched far and wide as to what the nerdie/geek/freak gaming scene was like here in de'Ham. My results indicate that de'Ham has a little bit better scene than Mobile, but was still far from impressive. I found a shop called Legion, which carries oodles of Warhammer (40k and Fantasy) at standard retail prices (booooo!!!) and a few other miniatures games. Unfortunately I must have went during "scary shopkeeper" hour and was weirded out by the guy working. He seemed to hover on the idea that they supported LARP (Live Action Role Play), which is a "bit" to much for me.

However, I noticed a game by the name of WARMACHINE (it's so 'ard it has to be typed in capitals). Now, I've been a very devoted Games Workshop hobbyist for a long time, but rising prices and a semi-stagnant material release schedule has really put some ice on my love of all things Warhammer. WARMACHINE seems like it might provide a good distraction from the GW line. One thing is models are a whole lot better on the pocket book (you can pick up 4 models, 3 of which are as big as a GW dreadnought, for about the same price as a GW dread), yet are still top quality in terms of sculpting.

At any rate, I promised Dwyer that I would check it out and give him a report. So far (after about an hour with 8 mini's and the rulebook), I've really digging the feel if the game and the mini's are inspiring me to paint again (YEAH!!!). I might even be able to talk Big J into playing a game or three of WARMACHINE on our lunch break at work.

On a side note, I had to drive up 280 to behind the summit and back at 5pm...oh yeah.....rush hour. I would just like to point out, that it would be better to have my colon detached from my intestines, pulled out from my rectum, while still attached to my anus, run over by a fleet of armored cars, chewed and pissed on by a pack of rabid dogs, salted, pickled in New Orleans flood water leftovers, be danced on by a gaggle of Mexican salsa'n in stiletos, and finally placed back in its original place to live with the rest of my life than to have to drive through that again. The things I do and am not proud of!

T-shirt I saw - "I don't have a problem with God, just his marketing department".......


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