Skrubb it Out

Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's a floater....

Phew.....the hull is together. That sucked, there was so much surface area that had to be held together while trying to maintain slight curves on multiple surfaces. Thanks go to the man/men/women that invented rubber bands. I spent the rest of the night working on the little parts that are mounted to the very front of the ship and remounting some of the things I broke when putting the hull together (6 or so cannons).

Tonight should be more work on the outter pieces of the ship like the cannon doors, ladders, bulkheads, etc. I'm also going to start prepping the masts though those might have to wait for tomorrow night, as I want to get some detail painting down on the main body before all the sails get in the way.

My British 1/700 fleet arrived today: HMS Prince of Wales, HMS King George V, and the HMS Rodney. The Prinz Eugen also arrived. These ships look really nice, so lets hope I don't screw them up.


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