Skrubb it Out

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sail the high seas.....

It's done. Seven days of work and more than seventy thousand four lettered words have been spent. The picture above was taken with my camera phone to it's really crappy. The good part is that because the pic is crappy, you can't see how completely untalented I am at building models.

I told myself that I was going to do any rigging, but four of the sails didn't have supports and required attaching to the rigging. As such, I needed a little bit of rigging at least, which in turn became more rigging and before I knew it, I needed to add more just to balance things out. The rigging is NOT accurate in regards to real ships, but I think the pattern looks kinda neat and sort of "simulates" real rigging.

The lower hull is a darkish borwn to represent aged wood, while the main hull is black (it's a pirate ship, why would it be all bright and shiney?). You can't see in the pucture the gold details on the captain's cabin or the bow. The sails were painted with Light Parchment acrylic paint (Americana brand) which I discovered at the art store Michael's. I really like the color on the sails. It reminds me of slightly aged canvas.

I guess the model isn't truly finished, as I need to find a permanent mounting and add the pirate flag on the stern flag stand. But the major pain work is complete, so I'm going to call her done.


  • Tank ye, ya scavy! Did prolly take 'bout a day'n a'haf to finish. (34 hours or so)

    By Blogger Skrubby, at 6:35 PM  

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