Skrubb it Out

Monday, August 22, 2005

Stick to your ribs....

So this weekend, Big Joe Duke, of fame, held a grill-deck-congrats-to-Tammy's-sister-in-law gathering. The aroma of charring flesh found its way past the Gulf Stream, around the polar ice caps, crossed the autobahn, skipped the marinara trench and made it to Birmingham. As such, I couldn't resist the temptation to consume mass quantities of ribs (I don't even like ribs, but BJD's are the bomb yo!).

It was good to see all of the people I still remember from my old town (well with one exception, Porter was in Atlanta getting his rock and roll on). It's amazing how quickly humans can jump into old patterns and how well we remember them. At the conclusion of the weekend, I almost felt as if I had never left. Which is both a blessing and a curse.

While heading out to come back to Bham, I experienced a sense of loss and loneliness that I did not expect. It was as if I was moving all over again. In hindsight, I can clearly see why this happened and how in my excitement to have "charred flesh of the rib-like kind", I didn't even think about the fact that it was going to happen. Eh.....we live and learn I guess.

Pork...the other white meat...


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