Skrubb it Out

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Anti-hermit action....

So I call her earlier tonight, around 5:30 or 6. No answer but I get voicemail. It's the generic voicemail that the cell phone companies provide where you say your name, but everything else is in the "pleseant" female voice.............

[ side note ]
Wednesday, at the beginning of lunch, I make up some excuse as to why I haven't called her since the first time she gave me her number (actually I did call and got voice mail, left a message saying I was still out of town and wouldn't have the chance to hang out with her, then never called her since). She tells me it's ok, because she has a new phone number and that would explain why I couldn't get a hold of her. She then asks for my number at the table, dials it directly into her phone so that mine rings, and says, "there now you have my number" while I hit all the correct buttons to save said number.
[ end side note ]

.....except that during the part where I should hear her name, I instead hear a guy say "Randy" .......

Heh, must have dialed wrong.......dial again......


So I didn't leave a message, who the hell is this Randy person (I'm guessing the guy she was trading spit with)? Why does God love me so much to have this much fun with me? Do I continue to call "Randy" looking for the girl until I get a human not voice mail? I know I'm dialing the right number, I literally watched her call me and I used the exact number that came up. I even went back to the incoming phone calls list and triple checked it (hell Mayhall even called it and got the same "Randy" voice mail).

The Hermit lifestyle is looking SOOOOOO much less complicated......feel free to laugh amongst yourselves and point at the weirdo nerd freak who couldn't get a date with 2 girls that asked him to call them.......


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