Skrubb it Out

Monday, June 12, 2006

With forces that can span the globe....

I hate to say it, but I have the distinct feeling that posts are going to be a little fewer and farther between than usual (if possible) due to the extended amount of brain power I have to spend at work now. The new job is not, as of yet, as exciting as I had hoped. The grass is always greener. However, I do find it much more fulfilling on a bad day than my old position on a good day. So, I can't and won't complain (yet). Congrats to BJD, by the way!

There was another person (Jason - no relation to Big'J/ Lil'J, or BJD) from my old department that was interviewing with my new department at the same time. Before all my stuff was straightened out, Jason had negotiated his price and everyone involved had agreed upon the terms. Thus, Jason was all set to move. Two weeks ago, during my announcement to the dept. that I was leaving, Jason also had to make his announcement. Last week, however, the world almost turned upside down.

Jason was thrilled for his new job for several reasons. The main reason in relevance to this story is that he was getting an $8k salary increase. He had asked for a specific amount, let's call it K, and the hiring manager came back with K+c where c>2,000. Needless to say Jason was beyond words. Now I don't have the best business sense, but my pappy always said, "Drinking beer is good for you." Which, when translated really means "If it's too good to be true, then you're stupid." Or something like that ;). So last week the hiring manager discovers he made an error (go figure) and tells Jason that there is no way in hell that agreed upon salary can be met.

In the end they came to a new agreement, but the interim was sort of scary. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I had already pissed off my old job, quit my second job (b/c I'm going to make so much more at the new job), and then suddenly found myself in a position not to have any job. The practical side of me says that Jason was dumb. I mean come on, no manager in his/her right mind would ever offer more than you asked (extreme circumstances not withstanding). He should have known that something was amiss. The whole dynamic of managers vs. employees during hiring is the entire tradeoff between skill and desire on the employee's side counterbalanced by lowest cost and need to fill the position on the manager's side. It's a generalization, but I think it's still close enough to the truth to lend some guidance in the future.

On another work related note, "Monkey Boy" Morton will be visiting B'ham this Thursday through Saturday. He has been asked to make an appearance on the premises to an in person interview. I am most excited by this turn of events. I do hope my company and Monkey Boy can come to a mutually aggreeable arrangement.

The Skrubbtilla continues to grow. Along with the SMS Hood, a British E-class destroyer (unnamed until her sea trials are complete), and the SMS Hornet (Tamiya USS Hornet CV-8) now plow the waves. I'm actually very happy with the way the Hornet turned out. Her waterline dazzle along with her bridge dazzle really look nice. With the addition of the aircraft carrier (Hornet) my lethal forces of plastic can reach anywhere in the world! Fear my awe inspiring military power!!! The Rodney is up next at the shipyard, and has already received one coat of paint (though she'll need more).


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