Skrubb it Out

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Flanking the Anti-hermit....

So just about the worst (or best if you're an optomist) thing has happened. I have a phone call to make in a few hours in order to tell a young lady what she and I are doing tomorrow night. I have a plan, with a few alternatives in case things change (like it rains for example). I feel that I'm about as prepared as I'll ever be and still maintain some semblance of calm. Hopefully said calm will remain for the next 36 hours (don't hold your breathe).

Tomorrow is Big'J's birthday, he turns Old - 2. We decorated his office with some crap that a lady from work bought. I have to remember to go out tonight and get him a monkey card. For his present, which won't be here until Thursday unfortunately, I picked him up 2 less than 18db blue LED case fans to replace the gaudy multi-colored ones that came default on his new PC case.


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