Skrubb it Out

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Garden of Skrubbzen

I managed to survive a full day in my zen state. Bossman G also never bothered to come up to the second floor of our building. What a stooge.

In the end, though, it matters not. Around 3ish this afternoon I noticed Big J's boss walking towards the stairs. He looked at me and said, "Just keep smiling the rest of this afternoon. It's a done deal." It took another 45 minutes before my two current bosses made it around to me, but they broke the news. I'll work in my current position for another 2 or 3 weeks while training another guy to try to fill my shoes (which he can't). Then I move downstairs and work "part-time on-demand" for my current department, and the rest of the time I work for Big'J (guess I have to refer to him as boss J from now on).

The announcement is supposed to be made early next week, though apparently a few people in my department were told today (I was congratulated by someone who I didn't tell). The transition doesn't offer much in the way of monetary gain (something like 2% increase), same benefits, new management, new series of products, and no more long stretches of ultimate boredom. The main thing is I'll no longer be a Code Janitor. I'll have the chance to be a full member of the development team and from discussions I've had recently with Big'J ....... er...... boss J, I will be the lead developer on the COLD project, which represents about 60% of the department's revenue stream.

So YEAH ME and HOORAY BEER! Glad it's over with and double glad that it worked out in my favor.


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