Rob was in town this past week. In honor of his visit, a party was thrown. I, of course, was in attendance. Good beer, great company, and excellent food......for real...I'm so there! Party started early for me. I offered to donate my tap for the keg and as such I needed/wanted to be there early (at 5pm) such that no one had to wait on me for the sweet nectar. The keg arrives, we get it loaded into it's customary spot, but when I am tasked with tapping the thing, disaster strikes.
To all visible appearances, my tap looked to be in tip top shape. Unfortunately, there was no way I could really test the internal seal, which turns out was unable to performs it's duties. So I'm in a bad spot, I'd promised a tap, it's around 6 pm, people are starting to show up for beer, and no tap. Rob and I jump in the car and go searching for a tap which we find at Vulcan Beverages near UAB. We get back, tap the keg, and all is right with the world.
The party was a blast for the most part. Beer pong was played and lots of Flip Cup was played. I was actually decent at Flip Cup to my surprise. Everything was going groovy until all of a sudden I hear shouting inside the house. Ruh roh raggy!
Apparently a young man was seen making kissy face with another man's woman. The boyfriend goes berserk, the accused flees the scene (to outside the house), and just about every other male in the house runs to either play interference with the boyfriend (vouching for the accused, that he wouldn't do that sort of thing) or provide general security. The females gather the girl in question (who is ....well...."blasted" just isn't a strong enough word to describe her state of inebriation).
So the accused is in a bad spot, because the boyfriend could most likely break most of us in half, but the boyfriend, while remaining visibly angry, keeps enough cool not to start throwing punches. Now half of the guys are inside talking with the boyfriend, I'm on door security trying to make sure everyone is separated, and the girlfriend is outside. This girl couldn't even stand up, she had two other young ladies holder her up. Since I was sort of in the middle of the conversations I was in a position to hear all sides of it.
While at first it seemed the accused was guilty of "extracurricular spit swapping", I'm pretty sure he wasn't at fault. The primary evidence I have for this is that after the incident, the girlfriend was trying to kiss/tongue just about anything that moved. The two girls holding her up, me, Rob, the lamp post, all while her boyfriend is threatening murder on a guy who, in his semi-drunken stupor, wasn't fast enough to get out of the girlfriend's tongue exploration way. What a mess.
The thing that hit me (intellectually speaking) was that, to a number of observers, it was crystal clear that the accused was a victim of a drive by slutting (i.e. the situation was clearly the girlfriend's doing and she was at fault) yet the boyfriend in his "love" for her couldn't see it. To him it appeared as if she was honestly minding her own business when this punk-playa tried to bust a move on his woman. Tis a shame, because the boyfriend seems under normal circumstances to be a really great guy.
Bottom line though, is that this incident was just another example of how we, as faultable humans, can be so blind when it comes to things close to us. We all have our faults, things we rationalize, excuses to make. Far be it for me to deny that I'm just as guilty as the rest of mankind.